Our Distinguished Faculty

Dr. Nourou Barry | Burkina Faso
Professor, Université Nazi BONI
Postdoctoral fellow at the Genetic Engineering & Society Center, North Carolina State University
Specialty area: Anthropology, Biotechnology Governance in public health & agriculture, Science & Technology Communication, Research & Development

Ernesto L. López Almada | Paraguay
Research Professor,
Universidad Nacional de Itapúa
Teaching area: Linguistics, Multilingualism, Spanish Linguistics

José Luis Molina | Spain
Professor, Autonomous University of Barcelona
Teaching area: Economic anthropology, personal network analysis, livelihood practices

Mariah Ngutu | Kenya
Lecturer and Researcher, National Defence University – Kenya (NDU-K)
Adjunct Lecturer and Research Affiliate, Institute of Anthropology, Gender and African Studies (IAGAS), University of Nairobi
Teaching area: Gender and Development studies, Cultural and Medical Anthropology, Research Methods

Ludovic Ouhonyioué Kibora | Burkina Faso
Research Director, Institute of Social Sciences, National Center for Scientific and Technological Research
Professor, Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Université Norbert Zongo & Université Nazi Boni
Vice-president for the Association for the anthropology of social change and development (APAD)
Teaching Area: Poverty, food security, Indigenous knowledge, community conflicts, and democracy

Fernanda Scagliusi | Brazil
Professor, University of São Paulo
Teaching area: Food, nutrition and culture

Dr. Awa Ouédraogo Ymba | Burkina Faso
Professor, Université Nazi BONI
Executive Secretary, REVARIS-DEV
Specialty area: Innovation, applied research, social & economic development and community knowledge